Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Happy go lucky is starting. I will go to kelantan with my gang tonight. Wah...need to sit for 10 hours bus, what’s a long journey from southern to northern. I should enjoy myself and release my tension during this whole trip. Even exam is passed but i m still thinking about that. I did badly in this exam.

Besides, there was happening of some conflict between me and him. I should escape from it.... far away...

I seem have no special feelings for this holiday. I am going to have one month holiday.....Girls...You have one month holiday....Cheer up.....

Even holiday is like nothing for me. Coz I faced trouble with friend. I don’t know what i think; I failed to make it clear and certainty. But never mind it had gone. I just know everything of him today after reading his whole blog. First time I read all of this stuff. FIrst time I get know what his thought. Guy, couple love is not everything. Please forget the past, facing the bright future with optimistic. This is a reality world but not in movie and drama series. I know you may are reading this and you get hurt again, but please be strong. I know you have change a lot after your first love. I feel sorry for you this all moment. Sorry for my disturbing and thank you for your care.

God bless you~~

Good luck~~

Happy Go Lucky~

Sunday, October 02, 2005

First time in my life i passed up a blank paper in my exam. sad...Why this final is so difficult?? first time i give up to it to myself.

So sad when sitting for the exam. I langsung cannt write and think anything. I just can let it go, let the blank answer paper take away from my table when 3 hours passed, when the investigor said stop in front of us, when my watch show me 12 Pm.

Called my mum coz too sad of it and told her that i wont go bak hometown so fast. I wan go to walk walk...this final really bad...
What's an unexpected paper!!! My target before going exam is higher to score A but after exam everything has been changed. I just want to pass after sitting for the paper. I can said that it was not really difficult paper, but i don't know how to do it! Not matter how difficult the questions for the exam last time i will also keep to try it and completed all the questions for the paper. But there is quite different today, i even never wanna try it. Thinking to give up when doing untill half way. It is not me...

My soul fly away from my body when the exam was in process. What happen on me?

Still got two papers to go. I can guess that there will be same for the following papers. It become harder...

Be patient girl...Still got two papers can go back hometown and travel after that... Gambateh...Never give up...Face it with brave and strong...just exam not a big deal...that 's me...