Thursday, January 19, 2006

Friday, January 13, 2006

Yeah, exam was over!!!
i was damn tired after walking for 10 hours. Walking?? haha..actually is shopping. But shopping also can consider as walking. Since we have to use our leg to walk too when shopping. Syok...
Holiday is starting. I m going to meet my sis at kl soon. Long time didnt see my sis i have to send regard to her from another fren. This fren,even though he was my secondary schoolmate and same class somemore,but he is more closer to my sister rather than me. And i become more closer to his elder bro compare to him. His elder brother used to be my sister's best fren. That's y i become closer to his brother than to him.
This few weeks keep to chat about love relationship with my fren. He is falling in love to a gal. And ask me tested the gal and see wat her respond when knowing it. But dunno the gal pretend dunno or she really cannt get the mean from the guy and me. So the guy is terrible with this problem now. What this sis can do?? try to give him a hand when he needs my help. hahaha...ah di~~ good luck ya....

Thursday, January 05, 2006

xue ting ar xue ting...wat happened on u?? why this sem all result so low..that bmk alr very low mark now this psa more lower than bmk...i really cannt tahan liao..very very very nan shou...

Wednesday, January 04, 2006









Monday, January 02, 2006


時間過得真快﹐轉眼﹐一年過去了﹐新的一年來臨了。2006~~ 新的一年﹐新的開始﹐新的夢想。。。回想2005﹐有開心有不開心。但﹐20年來﹐最特別的還是這一年。因為自我出生至今﹐這年是最多回憶的一年吧。太多事情發生了﹐是我無法控制的﹐或許有些我處理得不太好﹐但就由它隨着時間隨着風飄過去吧﹐把它埋藏在時間指縫裡。

1月1日﹐果然新的一天過得開心﹐是件好事來的。哈哈。晚上在朋友家享受火鍋。然後﹐竟然打起什麼“labii” 非常搞笑﹐由於不會的關係﹐鬧出很多笑話。哈哈。。。沒關係﹐大家開心就好。。就這樣笑哈哈﹐1月1日在笑聲中溜走了。
