Sunday, December 04, 2005

Just woke up from taking a nap, I think this is the time for me to concentrate on my studies. I not dare to ask and discuss with my friends about the studies, I scared to ask them. I scared when I ask will let them think me kiasu again. How terrible.. But tomorrow test already, I still not understand. How? Nobody knows how sad I am. I face problem in studies, I think there is not only me face the problem but others, but I just hope can discuss and ask what we should focus on for tomorrow that paper. I not dare to do so since I ask once and I was dismayed at the respond.

Just try my best to concentrate on my studies and try the best for the exam. I think that what I can do at this moment. Just leave few hours for me to prepare for the test. Try, just try my best.

Good Luck

" I should not think too much"

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