Saturday, December 03, 2005


MIdterm tests are coming soon. The first midterm will be held on Monday afternoon. And there is 1.17am, Sunday now. There should have some points and plots about the chapters for the subject in my mind, but no for this time. Nothing is in my brain. Since this trimester started, I become lazy. Now already 4th week, I still haven’t start to touch my books, my notes, my tutorials. There is something wrong with me. So weird.. Really have no mood to study at this time.


Just have a meeting with my adviser few days ago. So lucky he was my lecturer who taught me financial reporting and accounting I. He asked me to improve my cgpa for this trimester. If increasing continuously, I will graduate with first class grade. Wah...too high target and expectation from him, i may will disappointed my respectable lecturer. Stress...

What is public sector accounting? All talk about the government law. How come?? It is really difficult and tough for me. I totally have no interest on it. That’s why I still haven’t finish study until now. Why?? I can not understand the law. Lecturer and tutor told us that the midterm will not be so easy. Plus there were a lot of seniors failed this subject last year. So scary... I know that I should put more effort if I don’t want to fail it.

No mood to study. Just have mood to go for movie.


Actually planning that go back hometown with my brother and sister. But the lecturer change the time for the test suddenly so I have stay back here for revision. Are you thinking I done it? I mean revision. If you guess yes then you are wrong, I m not. Friday went for movie, a new movie released on that day, Aero Flux. Saturday went to my friend’s house for cooking. I have no study at all. First time, really first time, I lost interest on studying. I think I give up to try my best for tests this time.



Besides, I am worry about my younger brother. He still hasn’t settled his National Service stuff. I try to check his session for him but failed. If his session is three then we still have time to apply for postpone the service so that it will not affect his study.

Exam~~~ Study hard~~ Even don’t like but that’s my responsible as a student. I should know it but failed to achieve it. For this just only moment...No more...I let myself be this only time, but there is no more chance in the future. I must, should know it. One time also should not be allowed. But I really give up this time. Give me one chance to do what I want to be.... Just be lazy~~~

God bless you

Take care

Good Luck for everyone who are going to sit for the test on monday.

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