Sunday, September 25, 2005


哇。。。考试。。。这到底是谁发明的?为什么总是考试考试,试永远考不完?为什么成绩是评估一个人的能力?成绩真的那么重要吗?有读书但成绩很差是罪吗?有读书但还是一样会fail那又是怎么样的道理?来~来~来~ 有谁能告诉我?

Not only study hard but study smart~
有谁可以告诉我要怎样做到这一点?以前我只懂study hard不懂study smart。现在我不懂study hard也不懂study smart。笨就是笨~~huyaya~~ ^^

今天打了很多次电话回家,破了有生以来的纪录。 :P



1 comment:

jim said...

Academic grades only tell people how you perform in academics but not in anywhere else. The world you are in and the world you will be in are two different worlds with little connection. Taking exams is just a job which requires exam-taking skills, like any other jobs that require other skills. Not being able to do a job well doesn't mean not being able to do other jobs well. ”天生我才必有用“ 之类的话都有说的嘛。。。虽然我不是很相信。。。Haha. But the academic world still does not equal the real world. "People who succeed in the real world are motivated and are not people that depend on others to tell them where they will be in life." You got my point? And by the way, isn't 神啊救救我吧a song about love? It's not that nobody loves you... You know that.