Wednesday, September 28, 2005

wow~war started today. Unbelievable..unexpected paper....i know to do question 2 but not for questions one.It was the first paper and i still have four papers to go. From first of october untill 4th of october, none stop, what's a S*** time flow.

It bring me in troublesome.

Should i focus on my major subjects and just ignore the spansih? Even i almost completed the revision for my majoring subjects but my mind still like zero~blank~~nothing inside my brain. That means i need to do revision again. Haiz...Dun haiz...dun haiz...should face it with brave..i m strong enough to face it..haha...

Spanish i totally give up. Not i don't want to study for it but i cannt concentrate on it. I failed to do so. Mayb i should take my fren's advice and take sport at first. But rm 750 ask me go to take a sport subject.. no way.. it is not worth.. But examination show me that i should accept the fact, may sport or chess is the best to raise the cgpa?? But i never regret with my choice. Since i can learn more, so i will not blame althought i may fail my exam. If.....if i really fail it and have to retake cocu subject...i will take chess since seniors all given advice that chess is easy to score A. haha...But...Hope HOpe hoPe....god will bless me....pass it....

I addicted to this blog?? exam is coming and time is limited, but i still can stay here and post it..

Holiday is coming soon...yeah...It just leave few patient~~ yeah~~

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